RE: Additiaonl XML Core comment on XPath data model

> Apologies for the tardiness of this extra comment from
> XML Core WG (mostly by François Yergeau).
> Missing version property on document nodes
> ------------------------------------------
> [4.2.1] says that Document nodes have only base-uri, children, 
> unparsed-entities and document-uri properties.  But there is at 
> least one function in F&O which will behave differently depending 
> on the XML version (fn:codepoints-to-string raises an error if a 
> code point is not a "legal XML character").  Therefore it would 
> seem that documents also need a version property reflecting the 
> infoset one.

A version property on a document node would not help the
codepoints-to-string function, which has no knowledge of any document.

On the working assumption that the XSLT/XQuery specifications will support
XML 1.1, the aim is that the data model will support the union of what is
permissible under 1.0 and 1.1, and that serialization (or infoset mapping)
will have to sort out fallback to cover any differences.

Michael Kay 

Received on Wednesday, 2 July 2003 17:19:05 UTC