Definition of op:numeric-divide in the F&O spec

The definition of op:numeric-divide is not specific enough in how
integer and decimal operands should be handled.
Should they be converted to double and a zero divisor be handled by the
double division returning + or -INF, or should the divisor be checked
for zero before converting to double.

I suggest we change the details to one of the paragraphs below.  My, not
very strong, preference is the first paragraph.

		For xs:decimal and xs:integer operands, the operands are
first converted to xs:double.  For xs:float and xs:double operands,
floating point division is preformed as specified in [IEEE 754-1985]
-operators.html> .
		For xs:decimal and xs:integer operands, the divisor is
checked first.  If it is 0, then an error is raised ("Division by
zero"). The operands are then converted to xs:double.  For xs:float and
xs:double operands, floating point division is preformed as specified in
[IEEE 754-1985]
-operators.html> .

All the best, Ashok

Received on Friday, 18 April 2003 14:32:11 UTC