RE: Response to Tim Bray' minOccurs/maxOccurs?

> Yes, I realize that, that's why I said "it doesn't say
> so in the spec".  So, my question is, what does it
> mean to say "XQuery doesn't support
> minOccurs/maxOccurs?  I can't think of any other place 
> minOccurs/maxOccurs would be relevant to XQuery. 

In XQuery you can define a function that expects an argument of type
xs:integer+. But you can't define a function that expects an argument of
type xs:integer[minOccurs=3, maxOccurs=10]. In that sense, XQuery doesn't
support minOccurs and maxOccurs.

Michael Kay

Received on Saturday, 21 September 2002 16:19:57 UTC