RE: XSLT 2.0 Requirements - 1.5 QName-aware string functions

RE: XSLT 2.0 Requirements - 1.5 QName-aware string  functions
> Can someone point me to what has been decided about this and why?
> Thanks.
> Andrew Watt

We have recently made some progress defining (or redefining) these
functions, and the data model that underpins them. This will be reflected in
the next draft. As anticipated in the requirements statement, there will be
functions for constructing an xs:QName value given a namespace URI and a
local name, for extracting these components of an xs:QName value, and for
constructing an xs:QName value given a lexical QName (i.e. prefix:localname)
and a namespace context for resolving the prefix.

We have decided not to allow casting a QName to or from a string, because
the operation is context-sensitive; instead, explicit functions must be

We are still trying to iron out some issues concerning inconsistent use of
xs:string versus xs:anyURI to represent the namespace URI part of the QName.

Michael Kay 

Received on Friday, 25 October 2002 12:59:17 UTC