New "order by" clause

Dear XQuery WG,

In the new working draft you invite feedback on the new "order by"
clause.  Reading the issue list, it seems to have been created because
of incorrect assumptions.  In issue 155, I read:

Instead, the query would have to be written as

FOR $e IN (FOR $x IN //employee RETURN $x SORTBY employee/salary/data())

This is not true, leaving in some of the old syntax it could have been
written as

FOR $e IN (//employee SORTBY (employee/salary/data()))

This is easily optimized to perform the "where" filter before the sort.

In issue 251 I read:

What you have to write is

for $z in
  for $x in book, $y in review
  where $x/isbn = $y/isbn
  return <dummy>{ $x/title, $x/author, $y/reviewer, $x/isbn }</dummy>
  sortby isbn
return <newbook>{ $z/title, $z/author, $z/reviewer }</newbook>

Again, this is not true.  This is much more easily written as:

for $x in book sort by (isbn),
$y in review
where $x/isbn = $y/isbn
return <newbook>{ $x/title, $x/author, $y/reviewer }</newbook>

The only thing that the new order by clause permits is sorting tuples on
some combination of their values, as in

for $salary in ..., $bonus in ...
order by ($salary + $bonus)
return ...

This example is ridiculous, as you normally want to have

for $employee in (... sort by (salary + bonus))

but I cannot think of a realistic use case.

To summarize: I fail to see what common problem "order by" is supposed
to solve.  If you want to solve a problem our users actually do have,
please spend your (limited) time on creating "group by" instead.

Bas de Bakker
X-Hive Corporation

Received on Monday, 18 November 2002 08:34:41 UTC