RE: XSLT 2.0 and Backwards-Compatible Processing

The current description of backwards-compatible processing in XSLT 2.0 only
affects the interpretation of XPath expressions. It was written this way
because, at the time, we thought it likely that there would be some
significant backwards incompatibility between XPath 2.0 and 1.0, but that
there were unlikely to be any problems at the XSLT level.

We do have plans to review how backwards compatibility works now that XSLT
2.0 and XPath 2.0 are much more clearly defined. The next draft of XPath 2.0
will contain clarifications in this area, but unfortunately you will have to
wait a little bit longer for the corresponding XSLT 2.0 features to be
finalized. Don't take the current specs as the last word on the matter:
there are a couple of open XSLT issues that point out that the way it is
currently specified is probably unworkable.

Michael Kay

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Johan von Boisman [] 
> Sent: 12 November 2002 08:32
> To: ''
> Subject: XSLT 2.0 and Backwards-Compatible Processing
> I'm reading up on versioning and compatibility
> issues for XSLT and I am unable to determine from
> the "2.6 Backwards-Compatible Processing" paragraph
> in the current WD how the following doc should be
> treated by a 2.0 processor.
> <transform version="1.0" xmlns=""
>      xmlns:xs="">
>  <param name="foo" type="xs:integer" />
>  <template match="/">
>   Hello World from XSLT 1.0
>  </template>
> </transform>
> The version attribute is less than 2.0 so 
> backwards-compatible processing should be enabled
> and the param element has an attribute from XSLT 2.0.
> Maybe this is a silly example, but the 2.6 paragraph
> in the WD only talks about XPath 1 vs 2.
> /johan

Received on Tuesday, 12 November 2002 08:14:23 UTC