XQuery 1.0 : 3.2.4 Bulleted list typo

Thanks for the suggestion, Andrew. I'll make this change in the next 
--Don Chamberlin

---------- original message -------------
Date: Thu, 24 Oct 2002 16:10:41 -0400 (EDT)
From: Svgdeveloper@aol.com
Message-ID: <1c6.9127cb.2ae9ad9e@aol.com>
To: public-qt-comments@w3.org
Subject: XQuery 1.0 : 3.2.4 Bulleted list typo

In the bullet point with text, "//list/member selects all the member 
in the same document as the context node that have an list parent", 
"an list" with "a list".

Andrew Watt

Received on Tuesday, 5 November 2002 04:38:04 UTC