Re: Translation of task information [was: Unicorn: " XML declarations are problematic"]

[original thread:]

Le 24/10/2009 14:13, Ricardo de la Vega Cotarelo a écrit :
> 2.- Unicorn is being successfully translated to several non-English 
> languages, having reached some of them a 100% translation. However, the 
> name of the tasks and part of the output coninue to be only in English, 
> e.g. “Custom task” and its comment “Lets you choose which checks to 
> perform”, so the whole picture may seem something like “Spanglish”. 
> Could you offer for translation all those messages?

Hi Ricardo,

Task information can be translated too, but we don't provide a UI to do so.

If you are willing to translate it to Spanish, you can download 
and translate ucn:longName and ucn:description elements.
I'm thinking about replacing this file with a more simple one, which 
could be more easily integrated to the translation UI, but for now 
you'll have to edit this RDF file by hand.


Received on Monday, 26 October 2009 12:44:38 UTC