Re: Unicorn: " XML declarations are problematic"


Only two suggestions:

1.- When the Appendix C checker examines a web page served as
application/xhtml+xml ­as actually does mine, the Unicorn output comment
says ³The document was not checked against HTML Compatibility Guidelines.
Reason: not text/html², but the main title says, white on red, ³The document
has not passed the test: W3C XHTML 1.0 Appendix C checker², somewhat
suggesting the page was in error. I think the main title should be in this
case something like ³The test is not applicable for this document: W3C XHTML
1.0 Appendix C checker², perhaps white on gray, for example.

2.- Unicorn is being successfully translated to several non-English
languages, having reached some of them a 100% translation. However, the name
of the tasks and part of the output coninue to be only in English, e.g.
³Custom task² and its comment ³Lets you choose which checks to perform², so
the whole picture may seem something like ³Spanglish². Could you offer for
translation all those messages?

Best regards,

Ricardo de la Vega

Received on Saturday, 24 October 2009 12:13:53 UTC