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public-qa-dev@w3.org from April 2008
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17 messages
Friday, 4 April 2008 20:47:35 UTC,
Wednesday, 30 April 2008 06:19:39 UTC
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checklink 4.4 release? (Was: [Bug 5648] Handle gzip content-encoded content)
Olivier Thereaux
(Thursday, 24 April)
Installation of the validator on macosx 10.5.2
Karl Dubost
(Wednesday, 9 April)
Re: Installation of the validator on macosx 10.5.2
Karl Dubost
(Wednesday, 30 April)
Re: NVDL, SVG validation (Was: first questions on validator.nu)
Henri Sivonen
(Tuesday, 8 April)
Re: NVDL, SVG validation (Was: first questions on validator.nu)
Jirka Kosek
(Wednesday, 9 April)
Re: NVDL, SVG validation (Was: first questions on validator.nu)
Henri Sivonen
(Wednesday, 9 April)
Re: Differences in layout between validators
olivier Thereaux
(Monday, 7 April)
Re: Differences in layout between validators
Dominique Hazael-Massieux
(Monday, 7 April)
profiling the Markup Validator with Devel::NYTProf
olivier Thereaux
(Friday, 4 April)
Outline feature in validator (was: profiling the Markup Validator with Devel::NYTProf)
Dominique Hazael-Massieux
(Monday, 7 April)
Re: Outline feature in validator (was: profiling the Markup Validator with Devel::NYTProf)
olivier Thereaux
(Monday, 7 April)
Re: Outline feature in validator (was: profiling the Markup Validator with Devel::NYTProf)
Dominique Hazael-Massieux
(Monday, 7 April)
Re: Outline feature in validator (was: profiling the Markup Validator with Devel::NYTProf)
olivier Thereaux
(Monday, 7 April)
Re: Outline feature in validator (was: profiling the Markup Validator with Devel::NYTProf)
Olivier Thereaux
(Wednesday, 23 April)
Re: profiling the Markup Validator with Devel::NYTProf
Ville Skyttä
(Monday, 7 April)
Re: profiling the Markup Validator with Devel::NYTProf
olivier Thereaux
(Tuesday, 8 April)
Re: profiling the Markup Validator with Devel::NYTProf
olivier Thereaux
(Wednesday, 9 April)
Last message date
: Wednesday, 30 April 2008 06:19:39 UTC