Re: SVG validator developing activity

olivier Thereaux wrote:
> Hi Ruud,
> On Oct 15, 2006, at 03:21 , Ruud Steltenpool, 
> wrote:
>> See 
>> and other messages on that list
> Thanks for the pointer!
> I skimmed through the thread, and was wondering what was meant in it by 
> "the W3C SVG validator". Was it, or 
> the markup validator and its support for SVG validation, limited though 
> it is for SVG 1.0 and 1.1 (not to mention the lack of DTD for 1.2...)?
> I think the discussion is interesting, but not quite sure what to make 
> of it, if anything. Your thoughts?
> --olivier

Hi Olivier/list,

A variation of what i've shown here before, but with some more solid 
code in some places and a version switch:

-Use PHP SAX to filter out all 'foreign' namespaces (so only xml, xlink 
and svg namespaces are left over), to get rid of 'pollution' in the 
error report.
-Then based on the version attribute it's fed to either jiggles.w3 or 
validator.w3 (with doctype=SVG+1.1 added). is doing this primarily to make sure the collection is 
valid, but secondarily maybe to have a one-stop public web-interface for 
SVG (no matter the version) validation service.

I know SVG 1.2 won't have a DTD, and that is probably an improvement 
then. However, SVG's use is growing NOW, lots of 1.0 and 1.1 content is 
already out there and lots more will be added, even long after when 1.2 
is final. Having invalid SVG 1.0/1.1 content also hurts SVG 1.2

A good validator helps to fix SVG content. Knowing the validity of SVG 
content helps to debug SVG tools. But you know that better than me.

Hope you see my point,


Received on Monday, 16 October 2006 03:23:25 UTC