Re: Syncing charset overrides in detailed/results forms

On Feb 11, 2006, at 21:43, Ville Skyttä wrote:
> As recently noted on www-validator, the detailed and results forms 
> offer
> different selections of charset overrides.  The attached patch syncs
> them in the 0_7 branch, could someone review that it's correct?  If ok,
> go ahead and commit it or let me know and I'll take care of it.
> <charsets.patch>

Most changes look good (arguably, based on a limited knowledge of the 
iso-8859* charsets and a bit of web research). I think however that 
iso-8859-4 should probably be synced to the "Latin4" name. "Baltic Rim" 
being the synonym of latin7 (aka iso-8859-13), it could be confusing. 
The rest seems OK.

P.S: Having been busy with other issues, I haven't released 0.7.2 at 
the date I had planned. So this patch may be a good candidate for it as 


Received on Sunday, 12 February 2006 00:21:00 UTC