Re: 2002/css-validator/style results.css,1.8,1.9

Hello Karl,

On Dec 12, 2006, at 18:04, Karl Dubost via cvs-syncmail wrote:
> changing the color scheme to be in harmony with the header

Interesting, but I think the colors as they are now are becoming a  
little too strong.
Small touches of blue on a simply light background (like you had made  
earlier) had my preference - I would keep strong colors for the  
errors messages and other things that need attention. The source code  
is nice info, but should be discrete.

>  /* id="css" - to identify the validated style sheet */
> -#css {}
> +#css {width: 70%;}

The 70% width I'm not entirely convinced with, either.
Makes the whole page look unbalanced.

IMHO, anyway...

Received on Tuesday, 12 December 2006 11:24:03 UTC