Re: prerequisites for the installation of the dev markup validator

Salut Damien,
(cc: list of developers)

Since you managed to install the "production" markup validator but  
had trouble installing the dev version earlier due to dependency  
issues, I made a quick instruction set that should help you get both  
opensp and the s::p::o perl module that the dev validator require.   
The rest of the modules/dependencies should just work if you just use  
cpan or the debian distribution.

Quick question: Bjoern, I was wondering if there was a reason why spo  
0.99 wasn't in cpan yet. Since wmvs 0.8-dev depends on this version  
in particular, it would be good to have it packaged if we want to do  
an alpha release of 0.8 - since there has not been any recent  
development, and the missing features (parse and outline) aren't  
critically needed, at least not for an alpha test.

Damien, see below.


# get and install opensp 
[download, unpack, read BUILDING file and follow instructions
... aclocal; autoheader; automake --add-missing; autoconf;
./configure --enable-http; make; sudo make install ]
(alternatively, it's in the debian testing and unstable, too )

# get and install spo perl module
# (as explained above, you need the cvs version as the needed version  
is not yet in cpan)
% cvs login
% cvs -z3 co -P  
% cd spo
% perl Makefile.PL
% make
% sudo make install


Received on Thursday, 13 April 2006 07:34:49 UTC