Re: How to write code for W3C

Thanks antonio,

I definitely agree with you for the real estate and the comments you  
have given about the site. You could have said it's ugly too ;) I  
have no troubles with that. I have designed it :)))

Le 05-11-08 à 17:46, Antonio Cavedoni a écrit :

> - the bullets in the navigation list on the right look like  
> clickable buttons: in OS X and in other user interface contexts,  
> triangles like these mean "reveal the sub-items", and here they are  
> misleading, I think

Interesting. and good comment.

> - the main title "W3C, Quality Assurance" is repeated twice at the  
> very top of the page (in the two buttons and in the main heading)  
> and is also in the <title> of the page, that looks a bit excessive  
> to me

Yep. It's not anymore information, it's infobesity.

> - the layout grid is too complex, IMHO. It's noisy because there  
> are too many construction lines; I've highlighted them here:

Yep :)

> - the items in the top navigation bar (Activities | Technical  
> Reports | etc.) are of secondary relevance to someone entering the  
> QA home page, I think, but they are

> Are they mandated by some kind of internal style guide? Is there  
> such a thing at all?

Yes that one is a difficult topic. There's no strong recommendations  
on what should be  there. It's often at the freedom of the person  
designing the site (unfortunately?).

> - the color combination blue on soft brown in the right-hand  
> navigation bar looks a bit dated to my eye, but this is again a  
> rather subjective point of view

nope agreed again. Definitely dated.

> - the right-hand side navigation bar, with its "stickyness", fills  
> up too much screen real estate: if one scrolls down, there's too  
> much unused whitespace above it, and in general, there's too much  
> unused space below it, which only becomes more useless as the  
> user's monitor size increases.

I do not remember what leaded me to this choice, but there was a  
reason when I have done it.

> - I'm not convinced by the current hierarchy of the content on that  
> page: the most fresh items (news items) are at the bottom of the  
> page. At the top, there are an introduction to the QA activity and  
> the "get involved" bit and the page basically evolves only vertically.

Yes that will be one of the main thing. The new Home Page will really  
become a weblog.

> This is just stuff off the top of my head: maybe I'm missing some  
> good reasons for current design decisions, if so feel free to  
> ignore my ramblings.

There are very good comments.

I would like that we find a compromise with good visual appealing and  
maximum of simplicity.
Maybe by selecting a few weblogs we appreciate the visual design/ 
usability, it could help in the process.

Karl Dubost -
W3C Conformance Manager
*** Be Strict To Be Cool ***

Received on Thursday, 10 November 2005 21:43:31 UTC