Re: w3c-markup-validator 0.7.1 to debian?]

olivier Thereaux wrote:

Hi Olivier and others,

> As you probably know, we've made a few releases of the Markup  Validator 
> in the past couple of months, and are now at 0.7.1, so this  is just a 
> quick ping regarding the status of the debian package. If  you need help 
> or anything to facilitate the packaging, as usual, do  not hesitate to 
> contact us.

I was away from computers for a long time, but am now catching up. I am
slowly getting up to date with Debian packaging stuff.

At the moment, I just updated the libnet-ip-perl package (a dependency
of the validator and/or checklink), and will go back to the validator
itself next. As you may remember, the validator and checklink are still
in the same Debian package, because I did not want to split the package
just before Sarge was released. So next step will be to package the
standalone checklink, then remove checklink from the current validator
package, and then update the validator. It will take some time, because
adding new packages to Debian requires manual intervention from the "FTP
masters", but hopefully should be done by the end of the month.


Received on Wednesday, 2 November 2005 07:47:55 UTC