Re: Ecto and Validator

On Aug 7, 2005, at 8:09, Bjoern Hoehrmann wrote:
>> [[[
>> Last, but maybe not least, I have taken the “Validate HTML” script
>> and embedded it into ecto.
>> ]]] -
> Do you have any details about the implementation? Is it a script that
> calls the online

I've had a look at the script (it's embedded in the tool, but the 
"original" perl script is still bundled). It's basically making a (LWP) 
request to the validator, asking for the XML output, and "translating" 
that back to some kind of HTML. XML output, hence no message 
explanations, hence Adriaan's comment:
>> but be aware that the warning messages from W3C may be cryptic.
]] -

Too bad he chose not to just get the HTML output and display that, and 
instead chose to use the rather crippled, unstable and unsupported xml 
output, but that's understandable, he probably wanted HIS output 
without having to work with a real XSLT. I guess he could still benefit 
from the additional error message explanations by plugging  
share/templates/en_US/error_messages.cfg into his script somehow.

I'll send him an e-mail.

Received on Tuesday, 16 August 2005 02:20:49 UTC