Re: SGML::Parser::OpenSP Win32 PPMs

* Randy Kobes wrote:
>    I'd be happy to try to help making up a ppm package of
>this, and dependencies, for inclusion in our repository.
>I tried building OpenSP-1.5.1 (VC++ 6), but even after
>converting some of the files to line endings that VC++ 6
>understands, I ran into some compilation problems. But
>from what I gather from the forums, some of these are
>known problems.

Ah, sorry, I should have mentioned that. This is indeed a known issue
and fixed, but so far only in the opensp_1_5_branch branch in CVS. To
build OpenSP with Visual C++ 6

  % cvs login
  % cvs -d...:/cvsroot/openjade co -r opensp_1_5_branch sp
  % cd sp
  % build-win32.bat

should do (through the IDE). This works at least using VC++ 7.1, I have
not had a chance yet to try it for Visual C++ 6. There is also a SP.mak
but I think it is quite outdated and thus unusable, but AFAIU it is
auto-generated using the IDE, so this might work best for you.

>    I see that there is a Win32 binary available; I could
>use this to make up the ppm package, but would need the
>associated .lib file for easier compilation. Do you
>know if that's available from somewhere, or, alternatively,
>if a patch to fix the problems on Win32 is available?

See above; I don't think someone published .libs, but I could easily
provide them to you if VC++ 7.1 .libs would be okay. I might in fact
roll the .libs into a developer package once we get around to release
OpenSP 1.5.2.

Thanks so far.

Received on Tuesday, 14 September 2004 06:04:17 UTC