Re: [meeting] Notes and log 1004-10-12

* olivier Thereaux wrote:
>We re-visited the issue of the HTTP 500 error message "malformed 
>multipart", possibly an opera-only, for which people seem to stil lbe 
>sending reports to the w3c webmaster.

Opera-only would be news to me, all the users I have talked to (see past
meeting minutes) used Internet Explorer for Windows to trigger this race

>We were planning to add a link to 
>bugzilla from this error message, but thought of something a bit more 
>sophisticated, such as a cgi recording relevant data about the browser, 
>referer, query etc. The catch is that in order to do so, we will have 
>to switch off CGI::Carp (perl cgi error handler).

Only if we want this for both Apache-level and CGI::Carp level fatal
errors and a simple way to share code between these two. How common
are Apache-level fatal errors on

Received on Friday, 15 October 2004 04:13:56 UTC