[meeting] Notes and log 1004-10-12

* Action Items review

We quickly discussed recent progress on action items, as well as what's 
ahead for   opensp/openjade.

We re-visited the issue of the HTTP 500 error message "malformed 
multipart", possibly an opera-only, for which people seem to stil lbe 
sending reports to the w3c webmaster. We were planning to add a link to 
bugzilla from this error message, but thought of something a bit more 
sophisticated, such as a cgi recording relevant data about the browser, 
referer, query etc. The catch is that in order to do so, we will have 
to switch off CGI::Carp (perl cgi error handler).

* Link Checker

We're aiming for a 4.1 release soon, provided two remaining serious 
bugs are fixed (one was fixed last night, mostly). Enhancements will 

* sgml-lib

Discussing further cleanups to the our SGML DTD library. Most of the 
unnecessary entries are now removed, the current cleanup will be 
considered done once the few missing entries are re-added.

Action Item: Nick to cross-check our catalogue of DTDs with the valet 
and htmlhelp ones.

Orthogonal to the cleanup issue is the question of a policy for the 
addition/management of DTDs, for which the follow-up will be done on 
the list, for now.

Next meeting date not decided yet, I'll send a mail about it ASAP.

trimmed log attached.

Received on Wednesday, 13 October 2004 04:08:29 UTC