0.6.6 bug roundup

Here's the validator 0.6.6 roundup, sorry for the delay.

Already fixed in CVS:

* Don't output line number links if we're not showing the source.

* Avoid trashing server error log (pop instead of undef the last
  line of ESIS for valid cases).

* Install documentation fixed wrt requred perl modules and RPM
  download location.

Open issues that I think should be fixed in 0.6.6:

* Warnings printed twice:

* onsgmls error/warning locators beyond EOL (I have a patch):

* Internal server error

* Output of parse tree trashes error log when elements without an entry 
  in eref.cfg are met in onsgmls output, such as <embed>; I have a local
  fix for this.

* "Show source" discards source indentation, there are many 
  www-validator@ reports about this.

* Doctype/charset override/fallback issues (I have not looked into
  this in great detail, but have observer similar issues):

* Verbose on or off by default?  Many seem to prefer "on" but as Bjoern
  noted, we shouldn't change the defaults too often.  IMO we now still
  can change if found reasonable since the new validator will have been
  out for only 2'ish weeks when 0.6.6 is out.  Whatever will be the 
  default in 0.6.6 is what we should stick with.

* Ugly fonts issues, use only generic families?

* Not strictly 0.6.6 related, but while I'm at it: installation issue,
  v.w.o runs Apache 1.3.27 which has a pretty nasty CGI zombie problem,
  easily noticeable with "top" on v.w.o.  Perhaps upgrade?  There are
  also numerous security issues fixed in later 1.3.x's if the 1.3 series
  is what we wish to stick with.

Hopefully I did not miss too many issues.  Bugzilla now has a 0.6.6
target milestone, to which I've set the above couple of filed issues. 
Comments, takers?  I will file the rest of the yet unfiled issues to
Bugzilla in the weekend.

Received on Friday, 14 May 2004 03:03:57 UTC