Re: [check] Misc. Headsup...

On Monday, Jul 21, 2003, at 00:32 Asia/Tokyo, Terje Bless wrote:
> We leave 0.6.1 as the last 0.6.x release for now, and then branch off 
> to
> validator-0_7-branch from the validator-0_6_0-branch (instead of 
> branching from HEAD) and make a 0.7.0 release from there.

Why not release what we've been beta testing as 0.6.2 and then proceed? 
What's benn tagged as 0.6.2 is not perfect, agreed, but some people are 
waiting for it, and I believe we'd do the community a favor by 
releasing it instead if waiting for the big bulk of stuff we have in 
the pipe to be ready...

>> Thanks.  By the way, is Frederic subscribed to public-qa-dev?

Yes. (Just checked).


Received on Sunday, 20 July 2003 15:29:00 UTC