Re: welcome to

Olivier Thereaux <> wrote:

>Terje Bless <> wrote:
>>Olivier Thereaux <> wrote:
>>>Subscription and posting are closed.
>>Ah, that explains why the list is called "*public*-qa-dev" then.
>>Perfectly logical of course.
>List names only reflect "read" policy (archives), not anything else. Not
>my choice, but the actual policy at W3C. BTW I think this is a good
>config for this list, but tell me if you disagree.

I don't really see what the "public-" bit is for; have you, or do you
intend to, set up a _private_-qa-dev? I've always been vaguely annoyed by
the "www-foo" names, but at least "www" is easy to type...

Oooh. Let me guess. The "public-" bit is so that Members[tm] recall that
what they say is actually going to be read by The Community[tm] (aka. "The
Unwashed Masses")? :-)

>>Oh, and remember that little chat we had about List-ID and hierarchical
>I remember the chat, and I remember I was not convinced (enough to go
>fiddle with smartlist's config and change from the default behaviour...)

You do realise, don't you, that this means war?

-link, trying to decide whether giant robots or tentacled monsters
       would be more effective in "convincing" yod to reconsider...

Received on Saturday, 12 October 2002 04:05:29 UTC