Re: [check] :8001 updated, 0.6.1 in progress...

On Sun, 2002-12-01 at 02:06, Terje Bless wrote:

> Mainly I'd like to see RPMs of the Validator and of OpenSP before release,
> but depending on how soon that can happen we could just release Validator
> and add links to the RPMs as they become available.

I have a set of RPMs of Validator 0.6.0 and OpenSP 1.5 for Red Hat 8, as
well as all their requirements that are not available in RH8 at
<>.  I think they're in pretty good shape,
though there are a couple of tiny changes in 0.6.1 that affect the
validator RPM.  Anyway, I'd appreciate if people could test them
somewhat before release.

Also, I don't know what's the optimal way of distributing the RPMs,
since they're not limited to just validator.  Here's the list of
packages one has to grab from my site to get a working validator:

docbook-dtds (needed by new opensp/jade)
openjade (needed by new opensp, IIRC there will be 1.3.2 final today)

I'm fine with just linking to my site for RPM downloads for now, or
moving them somewhere else, provided that "somewhere else" hosts a
apt-rpm interface to the files (I can work on that, it doesn't require
anything special from the server side, I can generate the indexes
locally and upload 'em).

\/ille Skyttä
ville.skytta at

Received on Sunday, 1 December 2002 05:57:20 UTC