Re: [pwe] 2019-04-04 agenda - reminder

Regrets :(

With regards to the agenda, I like the proposal from Nigel related to my  
PR (which itself is related to one from Tzviya), and the two from Tzviya  
that have been outstanding a while.

Otherwise I am afraid I don't have a lot to say. I note that the  
EthMagicians (community that works on standards for Ethereum blockchains)  
were looking for a Code of Conduct, and they liked some of what they saw  
in the W3C stuff (I pointed to it as one of the examples we should try to  
copy from rather than starting from a blank slate).


On Wed, 03 Apr 2019 17:40:51 +0200, Siegman, Tzviya <>  

> Agenda:
> Review and merge open PRs [2] (with the knowledge that this is a work in  
> progress)
> Discuss next steps for ombudsperson training (Judy, Tzviya)
> Comments in advance of AC Meeting

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