Minutes of 10/19 Edu-TF meeting and Doodle Poll


Here are the minutes from our Education Task Force meeting on the 19th. It
was a brief meeting as there were no use cases to review, so that's the
clear priority going forward.


The meeting was also lightly attended, and while there are several possible
reasons for that, the 9am starting time is a hardship for those on the US
West Coast and Mountain time zones. So I'm putting out a doodle poll
<https://doodle.com/meeting/participate/id/ejZq3W5e> with three options:
9am ET, 10am ET, 11 am ET on the same alternating Wednesdays we are
currently scheduled for. Please select the time that works best for you,
and if there's a consensus for a different start time than 9am ET I'll
announce and adjust for the next meeting.



Received on Thursday, 27 October 2022 18:58:51 UTC