Agenda W3C [PBG] call for Europe/NA on 05/26

Hello Publishing Business Group members,

Please find below the agenda for our call Tuesday,  May 26th  for NA/Europe time, to be held at [0] via the Zoom link in the meeting invite.

W3C IRC:<>  (IRC channel #pbg).


 *   Update on EPUB 3 WG Charter -

    *   Page for issues -

    *   Any further discussion? (Positive comments would be appreciated)

 *   Is there any update on the future of the CG?

 *   EU Accessibility Act Update

 *   Survey followups
    *   Results deck and blog post
    *   Presentation at
    *   Proposal for Exec Summary that can be shared

 *   Update on EU standardization process

 *   EPUB Reading System Bug GitHub repo
    *   For any known reading system bugs or accessibility bugs

    *   How to promote?

 *   Discuss goals/ideas for guest presentations

 *   PBG meeting schedule through Summer
    *   June 9th/10th  NA/Asia
    *   June 23rd NA/Europe

    *   July 7th/8th NA/Asia
    *   July 21st NA/Europe

    *   August 4th/5th NA/Asia
    *   August 18th NA/Europe
Please let us know if there are other agenda items you would like to add. We look forward to seeing and hearing from everyone.

On behalf of PBG co-chairs,
Liisa McCloy-Kelley


Received on Monday, 25 May 2020 23:04:52 UTC