Re: Additional info Re: W3C [PBG] Agenda for 20200512 NA/0513 Japan/Asia call time

Sure, I will do it
Thank you

Da: "Siegman, Tzviya" <>
Data: mercoledì 13 maggio 2020 02:06
A: Daihei Shiohama <>, W3C Publishing Business Group <>
Cc: Liisa McCloy-Kelley <>, Cristina Mussinelli - Fondazione LIA <>
Oggetto: RE: Additional info Re: W3C [PBG] Agenda for 20200512 NA/0513 Japan/Asia call time

Regrets. Please log comments about the EPUB 3 WG charter to

Tzviya Siegman
Information Standards Lead

From: Daihei Shiohama <>
Sent: Tuesday, May 12, 2020 7:56 PM
To: W3C Publishing Business Group <>
Cc: Liisa McCloy-Kelley <>; Cristina Mussinelli - Fondazione LIA <>
Subject: Additional info Re: W3C [PBG] Agenda for 20200512 NA/0513 Japan/Asia call time

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1. Zoom link today:

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2. Agenda#1: EDRLab CTO Laurent Presentation video

3. Agenda: EPUB 3 WG Charter
(From Cristina Mussinelli)

  *   the new version of the EPUB Accessibility is scheduled for Q2 2022, maybe it is a bit late for the European Accessibility Act
  *   we think it would be necessary to develop a best-practices document for EPUB creators (shared with developers of reading solutions) with practical examples of how to implement (in HTML and CSS) many of the problems of inconsistency of layouts expressed in the survey; for example: tables with many rows or columns, live images, poetry, textbooks, etc.. Something like (by Jiminy Panoz, who has been discontinued)
  *   in the charter there is no mention at all of Fixed Layouts, even if they are discreetly used (and for some books they are the only option, such as children's books or comics), the group should make a decision on this issue: carry on the FXL or discourage it? The survey says that several people would like to mix reflowable and FXL.

     *   by the way (if done well) the FXL can be quite accessible, at least as much as a PDF

  *   maybe you should indicate in the Charter to refer to the survey's requests, because there are several points to which you should give a structured answer, for example: linear=no, dual language, etc..
  *   clear definition of semantic attributes in epubs (epub:type, DPub AIR, etc.). For Dpub ARIA: you need to work with assistive technology developers to make users benefit from the work done by EPUB creators.

4. Agenda: EU Standardization
(From Cristina Mussinelli)

Cristina Mussinelli presented the EU standardization process is related with the implementation of the EU Accessibility Act that requires all digital publications and all the e-book value chain (e-commerce web site, reading solutions, metadata etc) comply with defined accessibility requirements by 2025.

Some people from W3C George, Avneesh, Ivan, Judy Brewer and Shady have met the person responsible in the EU Commission for the implementation of the Act with some relevant people involved in EU publishing industry. Cristina Mussinelli and Luc Audrain participated too.

To define the requirements The EU Commission may ask a EU standardization body for a mandate, asking to look for already available standards to base on or adopt a Technical specification.
EPUB Accessibility spec is being submitted to ISO and as an ISO standard should be evaluated by EU Commission.
To be adopted by the EU Commission the Technical specification should be developed in an open way through consensus of the relevant stakeholders
In any case the standard needs to conform with accessibility EU requirements already available in the Act so the first step is to assess alignment of EPUB Accessibility with the EU accessibility act.

TS route is considered best option because the EU body may create a standard that is different from EPB

This work is moving pretty quickly the EU commission is looking to have a mandate by next June.
We have time now to address this so we can be ready when the commission needs something from us.
Feel free to be in touch with Cristina if you need more information



On May 11, 2020, at 15:14, Daihei Shiohama <<>> wrote:

Hello Publishing Business Group members,

I hope everybody keeps yourself and family healthy and is doing well.

Please find below the agenda for our call tomorrow, Tuesday,  May 12th NA/ Wednesday 13th Japan/Asia, 2020, to be held at [0].

Call at [1] *

*Please be advised that the call will use Zoom for conferencing arranged by W3C. The Zoom link is listed in the non-public archive above. If anyone having troubles with finding the Zoom link, please contact me.

W3C IRC:<>  (IRC channel #pbg)

Last PBG Europe/NA call on 4/28/2020 minutes:


  *   Presentation from Laurent LeMeur, CTO EDRLab on accessible reading systems and Thorium

     *   Presentation slides:

     *   Thorium Reader 1.3 (links on
     *   Questions/discussion

  *   BISG:   "Field Guide to Fixed Layout for Ebooks” : attached.

     *   Presentation by Dave Cramer.
     *   Q&A

<Field Guide to Fixed Layout for Ebooks.epub>
<Field Guide to Fixed Layout for Ebooks.pdf>

  *   EPUB 3 WG Charter -

     *   Page for issues -

  *   EPUB Survey Results:

     *   Update

  *   Launch of EPUB Reading System Bug GitHub Repo

     *   To include any known reading system bugs
     *   Including any accessibility bugs

  *   Update on EU standardization process

     *   Summary

  *   Next PBG Meetings

     *   May 26th NA/Europe
     *   June 9th/10th  NA/AsiaJ
     *   une 23rd NA/Europe
     *   July 7th/8th NA/Asia
     *   July 21st NA/Europe
     *   August 4th/5th NA/Asia
     *   August 18th NA/Europe



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Received on Wednesday, 13 May 2020 07:02:44 UTC