Position on EPUBCheck fund raising

Dear Publishing SC,


Luc asked me to forward this information to you.


EPUBCheck Fundraising call news:

- Apple donation received (USD20k) , thank to them (for info, inserting
their logo is too complex, David Singer asked not to).

- Payments of next milestones will be covered.

- After one more pledge from a German company, current status Is only USD12k
from expected total. A last effort is to be called to the community!


EPUBCheck development: 

- has been delayed last months, mainly because of Romain's wife sickness
which ended up in her death on April 30th. We are so sorry for him and the

- EPUBCheck dev management with Tzviya, Avneesh and Luc considering the
situation and help to Romain.



Best regards,




Received on Wednesday, 13 May 2020 13:38:34 UTC