Re: [agenda] 1-May Publishing Steering Committee

Regrets, Japanese “ Golden Week “.

2020年4月30日(木) 0:24 Ralph Swick <>:

> Tzviya and I propose the following agenda for the Steering Committee
> teleconference this Friday [1]:
> * Next Steps for the "Future of EPUB" Survey
>    See Wendy and Mateus' report and proposed (draft)
>    blog post [2] (Member-only).
> * Brainstorming on a "Publishing@W3C Open Meeting"
>    The idea here is to hold a meeting to which all CG, BG, and WG
>    participants are explicitly invited.  Probably a webinar-style
>    meeting.  Perhaps open to others in the wider community who are
>    not (yet) participating in W3C in some way.  The content could
>    expand on the 18 March blog post (or post(s) if there are more),
>    addressing questions and comments from the Survey results.
>    The purpose of this agendum is to look for consensus on the
>    utility of such a meeting, collect ideas on possible content,
>    and (presuming consensus to proceed), get consensus on a
>    schedule and solicit volunteers for a Planning and Program Committee.
> See [0] for the Zoom meeting coordinates.
> -Ralph and Tzviya
> [0]
> [1]
> [2]
> --
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吉井 順一

Jun’Ichi Yoshii
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Received on Friday, 1 May 2020 15:18:21 UTC