Re: documents in advance of SC F2F

I have done some changes to Objectives document. Will refine it more as the document will mature.

With regards
From: Siegman, Tzviya 
Sent: Tuesday, January 14, 2020 21:25
To: W3C Publishing Steering Committee 
Subject: documents in advance of SC F2F

Hi all,


Continuing the discussion from last week, here is the work-in-progress agenda [1]. This will be edited significantly by myself and Liisa as we work through the email discussion and other documents, but please feel free to add your comments. Please also add your name if you are attending, and let me know if you have any dietary restrictions.  


I have created a document to share our goals for EPUB and the Publishing community [2]. I have listed the motivations that Avneesh articulated at the end of the document. Please try to identify which of the motivations your goal supports. If you think a new motivation is needed, please add it. I have started to list my goals, and I included my name and the associated motivation. Please try to follow this structure so that we can work in an organized manner.


I believe Liisa is working on a what works/what doesn’t document.








Tzviya Siegman

Information Standards Lead




Received on Wednesday, 15 January 2020 11:18:50 UTC