W3C [PBG SC] EPUBCheck development by DAISY, Phase 1 success and Phase 2 launch


(Regrets for our next PubSC call on Friday, I will not be able to attend being somewhere in the White Mountains around or at top of Mount Washington)

Regarding EPUBCheck development, I can confirm the Phase 1 success as EPUBCheck 4.2.0 validating EPUB3.2 has been release by DAISY Consortium according schedule decided by the project management calls (see Avneesh report attached).
Thanks to DASIY developers team !

On behalf of the Publishing Steering Committee and according to the statement of work, I plan to authorize payment for Phase 2 launch.

This milestone “Start of Phase 2.1” needs a $26,400 payment, and on completion of Phase 2.1 (estimated July 2019), another payment of $26,400.

Hopefully these 2 payments can be fulfilled from funds raised so far but that’s all !
The next phases starting December 2019 will definitively need raising more funds.

Best regards,

Received on Monday, 29 April 2019 13:38:44 UTC