Re: late incoming: Publishing@W3C Summit Theme

And, alas, Vint got back to me in 30 min... but, he has conflicts both days
on the East Coast.



On Sat, May 13, 2017 at 1:28 PM, Garth Conboy <> wrote:

> Email sent.
> Best,
>    Garth
> On Sat, May 13, 2017 at 10:35 AM, Bill McCoy <> wrote:
>> My $.02 would be for you to strike while the iron is hot and ask him now
>> – I’m sure his schedule gets nailed down well in advance. BTW if we managed
>> to get Vint Cerf early our chances of getting TimO or ayone else of that
>> ilk will also increase (from past experience).
>> To me digital preservation fits in very well with anything we have been
>> discussing as theme. Content that is accessible is also good grist for the
>> mill of machine processing is also good for long-term archival. Ironically,
>> “smart content” should be declarative, not programmatic, and “smart data”
>> should not be tied to a particular database model either. So open standards
>> for interoperable content should be (I would think) a good fit with digital
>> preservation.
>> FWIW the “future of text” event scored some points with me when, as I was
>> trying to figure out what the heck it was really about - besides being Ted
>> Nelson’s last stand and a thing to promote this other dude’s weird ideas (
>>  - I saw that the 2015 transcript was
>> distributed as EPUB - - yay! 😉
>> BTW I don’t’ know if it’s a difference of American English vs. British
>> English, or just that I’ve been considering “text editing” and “word
>> processing” a dichotomy for the last 30 years, but the use of “text” and
>> especially “texts” in this event’s description etc. strikes me as odd. But
>> maybe that’s just a mental tic on my part and if so maybe we could use
>> “text” within our unifying theme. “content” is so vague as to encompass
>> movies, music, and games, “document” has issues, and “publication” (to me,
>> anyway) is too narrow for the full scope of our work to establish a
>> next-generation platform that gets everyone past the print-replica
>> non-Web-aligned format that shall not be named.
>> --Bill
>> *From:* Garth Conboy []
>> *Sent:* Saturday, May 13, 2017 9:10 AM
>> *To:* Bill McCoy <>
>> *Cc:* George Kerscher <>; Paul Belfanti <
>>>; McCloy-Kelley, Liisa <
>>>; Dave Cramer <>;
>> Graham Bell <>; Tzviya Siegman <>;
>> Bill Kasdorf <>; Karen Myers <>;
>> Luc Audrain <>; PBG Steering Committee
>> (Public) <>
>> *Subject:* Re: late incoming: Publishing@W3C Summit Theme
>> LMK when you think it's appropriate for me to reach out to Vint.   If
>> anything further on the theme wants to get nailed down first, fine.
>> Otherwise I can do so soon.
>> Both stuff and his work on Digital
>> Preservation (
>> could be relevant for us.
>> Best,
>>     Garth
>> On Sat, May 13, 2017 at 8:53 AM, Bill McCoy <> wrote:
>> Garth (and all) re: Vint,
>> First of all I am a believe that a) headliners do help sell tickets and
>> b) bluebird opportunities are the most likely way to get headliners for any
>> event that doesn’t have the funds to contact speakers bureaus and c) Vint
>> is someone I personally would love to hear from. So I like BillK 1+ the
>> idea of Garth seeing if we can get Vint interested.
>> One wrinkle though. It turns out he has a tie-in with
>> documents/publishing (among his many other interests) and has been a repeat
>> participant at a UK symposium on the “Future of Text” including apparently
>> being on the program this year. See:
>> This recently came onto W3C radar because, for unknown reasons based on
>> Southampton University now hosting the UK office of W3C, W3C was listed as
>> a sponsor for the event upcoming in September without anyone at W3C having
>> anything to do with that. I confess I only listed his name as a headliner
>> because I had experienced a flash of jealousy when I heard that Vint Cerf
>> was speaking at an upcoming “W3C” event! 😉
>> Garth, it seems Google is a financial backer of the event so maybe this
>> could somehow weave into an approach by you to Vint to speak at our event?
>> He could even talk about the same stuff?? At a minimum we should not be
>> trying to get Vint as a speaker while simultaneously bitching about
>> unapproved W3C branding on an event that while very academic is in the same
>> ballpark with which Vint apparently has a multi-year association.
>> FWIW the responsible person for W3C UK is Leslie Carr. But he seems to
>> only have a minor involvement in this particular symposium series. One of
>> his colleagues is the ringleader.
>> --Bill
>> *From:* Garth Conboy []
>> *Sent:* Friday, May 12, 2017 5:32 PM
>> *To:* Bill McCoy <>
>> *Cc:* George Kerscher <>; Paul Belfanti <
>>>; McCloy-Kelley, Liisa <
>>>; Dave Cramer <>;
>> Graham Bell <>; Tzviya Siegman <>;
>> Bill Kasdorf <>; Karen Myers <>;
>> Luc Audrain <>; PBG Steering Committee
>> (Public) <>
>> *Subject:* Re: late incoming: Publishing@W3C Summit Theme
>> Hi Folks,
>> Don't count me in.  :-(   Conference planning is not in my wheelhouse...
>> and I have a bunch of other stuff going (as I'm sure we all do!).
>> However, strangely, I am working on a project with Vint, so could ask him
>> -- speaking on one of his main foci, digital preservation, could be a
>> viable topic.  LMK.  Clearly no promises, though.
>> Best,
>>    Garth
>> On Fri, May 12, 2017 at 4:26 PM, Bill McCoy <> wrote:
>> For everyone’s convenience and so we can keep track there is now a
>> program committee section on
>> /PubSummit/Program - add away.
>> I am wondering whether PBG-SC wants to discuss the theme/approach/goals
>> as a whole on Tues and then the PC can have a more focused discussion about
>> sessions/speakers? Or do folks want to delegate the whole enchilada to the
>> folks who want to be in the PC? Esteemed co-chairs, what do you think?
>> BTW in re: goals, please note I have added something to that– *“**Assure
>> base in IDPF community that Publishing@W3C continues to be (is even more
>> of) a vibrant community, not just a place for developing technical
>> standards ... and reel them in if not already engaged.”* – this was my
>> paraphrase of a comment today from Jeff. He might even argue it should be
>> THE singular goal, since it is really the main opportunity this year for us
>> to do stuff beyond developing standards and if we don’t do that visibility,
>> and well at this conference folks could reasonably conclude that developing
>> standards is all Publishing@W3C is going to do. Jeff even suggested –
>> not necessarily seriously – that the event maybe shouldn’t even have W3C in
>> the name! (but understood the logic of promoting the new Publishing@W3C
>> brand).
>> George, glad to hear no BiB to complicate things, that could open up some
>> other partnering opportunities (I added Internet Archive to the list of
>> possible external venues that’s on the main event page at
>>  - BTW folks should feel free
>> to edit this page too.
>> Tzviya, Micah is both a dear friend and someone I love to listen to at
>> conferences but in event-speak he’s not a headliner. Maybe you were just
>> being cute but in case not, I don’t think a large number of people will buy
>> tickets just because Micah’s on the program and independent of what he’s
>> speaking about. To me headliners would be Tim O’Reilly, Arianna
>> Huffington,, Larry Page, anyone from Amazon or Apple. Maybe a Kara Swisher
>> or  a Nick Bilton or a Larry Lessig. Vint Cerf if you are a techie. Etc .
>> These are the folks who we could make a case to spring for a hotel room or
>> maybe even a flight. And I do want to budget a bit for that esp. since it’s
>> far from NYC. But I don’t think we can afford to spring for travel costs
>> for folks like Micah who are already in the tribe even ones we really want
>> to get on the program. Either the event itself is an attraction (as I know
>> it will be for Micah or not.
>> Anyway, if the PC wants to put together a program sans anchor headliners
>> that is fine of course and would greatly simplify the planning (landing
>> name speakers, even not so famous ones like Malcolm Gladwell, is a huge
>> pain in the butt, as is “handling” them en route and day-of). But if we are
>> going to appeal outside the ebooks ecosystem we should also realize that
>> our rock star speakers like Micah will not be known to a corporate
>> publisher used to going to Gilbane conferences to hear about the future of
>> publishing (and visa-versa). Only a very few folks like BillK traipse with
>> ease across the many fields of pubishing!
>> --Bill
>> *From:* George Kerscher []
>> *Sent:* Friday, May 12, 2017 2:57 PM
>> *To:* 'Paul Belfanti' <>;
>> 'McCloy-Kelley, Liisa' <>; 'Dave
>> Cramer' <>
>> *Cc:* 'Graham Bell' <>; 'Bill McCoy' <>;
>> 'Tzviya Siegman' <>; 'Bill Kasdorf' <
>>>; 'Karen Myers' <>; 'Luc Audrain'
>> <>; 'PBG Steering Committee (Public)' <
>> *Subject:* RE: late incoming: Publishing@W3C Summit Theme
>> Count me in, and B in Browsers on hold:
>> Tweet from @naypinya
>> Peter Brantley @naypinya
>> We’re putting Books in Browsers on hold for another year. Media
>> landscape is evolving too rapidly! We’ll be back in 2018. #bib17
>> Best
>> George
>> *From:* Paul Belfanti [
>> <>]
>> *Sent:* Friday, May 12, 2017 1:14 PM
>> *To:* McCloy-Kelley, Liisa <>; Dave
>> Cramer <>
>> *Cc:* Graham Bell <>; Bill McCoy <>;
>> Tzviya Siegman <>; George Kerscher <
>>>; Bill Kasdorf <>; Karen
>> Myers <>; Luc Audrain <>; PBG
>> Steering Committee (Public) <>
>> *Subject:* Re: late incoming: Publishing@W3C Summit Theme
>> You can count me in.
>> Paul
>> —
>> Paul Belfanti
>> Vice President, Production, Manufacturing & Content Architecture
>> Ascend Learning
>> (w) 978.639.3536 <(978)%20639-3536>
>> (m) 201.783.4884 <(201)%20783-4884>
>> *From: *"McCloy-Kelley, Liisa" <>
>> *Date: *Friday, May 12, 2017 at 1:08 PM
>> *To: *Dave Cramer <>
>> *Cc: *Graham Bell <>, Bill McCoy <>,
>> Tzviya Siegman <>, George Kerscher <
>>>, Bill Kasdorf <>, Karen
>> Myers <>, Luc Audrain <>, Paul
>> Belfanti <>, "PBG Steering Committee
>> (Public)" <>
>> *Subject: *Re: late incoming: Publishing@W3C Summit Theme
>> So it would appear that the following people have volunteered for the
>> programming committee:
>> - Dave
>> - Tzviya
>> - Bill
>> - Liisa
>> Who else is with us?
>> *From: *Dave Cramer <>
>> *Date: *Friday, May 12, 2017 at 12:55 PM
>> *To: *Microsoft Office User <>
>> *Cc: *Graham Bell <>, Bill McCoy <>,
>> Tzviya Siegman <>, George Kerscher <
>>>, Bill Kasdorf <>, Karen
>> Myers <>, Luc Audrain <>, Paul
>> Belfanti <>, "PBG Steering Committee
>> (Public)" <>
>> *Subject: *Re: late incoming: Publishing@W3C Summit Theme
>> On Fri, May 12, 2017 at 12:23 PM, McCloy-Kelley, Liisa <
>>> wrote:
>> Hi All-
>> Sorry I had to drop out of the discussion for the last 36 hours- it was
>> all the usual health and work stuff. Dang that day job.
>> Sorry to hear that. I hope all is well!
>> I’ve tried to catch up this morning and wanted to throw in a few things
>> that I’m happy to put on the wiki if that helps.
>>    1. I’m in agreement with those who think that plenary is the way to
>>    go and that panels are not always great. I’ve participated in and observed
>>    few panels over the years that I thought were engaging. Doing multiple
>>    tracks is more work and more to manage.
>> Yep.
>>    1. Short topical sessions would be my preference, with a large
>>    variety of 15-20 minute topics- this is one of the most successful things
>>    to me about BiB. No one gets a chance to fall asleep.
>> This helps the audience, and it also helps the speakers focus on what's
>> important. But let's not have anyone drag a speaker off the stage after
>> precisely ten minutes.
>>    1. The Pecha Kucha style lightening rounds at EPUB Summit were great
>>    and that might be a good way to get things going at that slow moment after
>>    lunch.
>> Yeah, that was really quite fun! Great idea.
>>    1. I’m not sure that I think “keynote” speakers are worth it. There
>>    are few big names in all of this at this point who people would pay to come
>>    see.
>> I've generally found the keynotes to be the least interesting part of any
>> conference I've attended.
>>    1. Having a clear “networking space” for people to talk in if the
>>    current session wasn’t to their liking would be fantastic.
>> Yes!
>> As for themes, I feel like the overarching theme needs to be relatable,
>> sexy and interesting. We need something that is going to draw those folks
>> who think that “ebooks are done and over” and help them understand we’re
>> just getting started. There is so much more to do. This next evolution is
>> beyond anything we’ve seen in the last 18 years and has great potential.
>> What if we did something like:
>> - The Horizon of Digital Publishing: What You Need to Be Doing NOW, What
>> You Need to Be Considering SOON and How the Web Will Influence the Future
>> of Reading
>> That way the sessions could be grouped:
>> - Now- Accessibility, Adopt EPUB3, Why Standards Matter, The Shock of the
>> New
>> - Soon(ish)- Better formatting, Connecting Publications to the Web
>> - Future- EPUB 2027, PWP, web payments and all the amazing things
>> I really like this framing. It allows us to cover lots of topics, but
>> gives a sense of where they fit in the proverbial "big picture."
>> This type of organization would help those who are never quite sure where
>> something falls in the time-space continuum and need to know that we have
>> to use this opportunity we have to push back the edges of the box we’re in.
>>  (and yes, you know there is one of those boxes on your doorstep right
>> now).
>> :)
>> If we could get someone to talk about studies of digital reading habits
>> with real info, that would be a HUGE draw for more publishing people. There
>> is so little info out there about this that is trustworthy.
>> Micah has huge amounts of reading data, is totally awesome, and was one
>> of everyone's favorite speakers at ebookcraft. Just sayin' :)
>> Dave
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Received on Saturday, 13 May 2017 21:28:50 UTC