Re: Publishing Business Group - Next Steps

+1.   Happy holidays for all.


2017年12月19日(火) 3:46 Bill McCoy <>:

> Dear PBG Steering Committee members,
> *Executive summary / call to action: Liisa and Luc are willing to step up
> to serve as PBG co-chairs and (since holiday schedules make a cal of SC or
> full BG this week challenging) if you approve this please respond with +1.
> The plan to recast the Steering Committee as a chairs + task force leads
> coordination group is advancing and we’d like to schedule a first PBG
> meeting early next year to discuss and potentially approve – comments on
> this also solicited.*
> OK – now the overly long (yeah yeah) email with details…
> On behalf of Rick, Paul, Cristina, Liisa, and Luc I’d like to summarize
> proposed next steps for the Publishing Business Group.
> First of all, the plan discussed in meetings in the last weeks to recast
> the PBG Steering Committee as a coordination group comprised of the chairs
> of the three Publishing@W3C groups plus the leads of TBD PBG task forces
> (leaving  broader discussions to the overall PBG, which will help that
> group have more purpose) seems to have broad consensus and has been +1’d by
> W3C Team including Jeff. For conformance with the PBG charter and terms of
> the combination with IDPF, and inclusiveness, it is proposed that this plan
> be approved by the PBG in an upcoming call, after a call for
> leadership/participation in task forces. I’m sure that a plurality if not a
> majority of the current PBG Steering Committee members will end up in this
> group and trust that as broader discussion of priorities and issues moves
> to the overall PBG group everyone will be actively participating there.  In
> this new mode the Steering Committee, while nominally still of the PBG,
> will really be the coordination point for all of Publishing@W3C. *For
> consistency with the PBG charter and the IDPF-W3C combination agreement it
> will be best to consider the extended chairs group a “standing slate”,
> always subject to ratification by the PBG membership (which in principle
> could elect other people). This could be changed starting 2019 if it proves
> inconvenient, after TPI program expires.*
> Secondly Liisa and Luc have volunteered to take a turn as co-chairs of the
> PBG, together with Rick who is on board to remain as the third co-chair.
> This will free up Paul and Cristina to prospectively lead PBG task forces
> (so they – and you all – are by no means off the hook). This adjustment in
> chairs does not require approval of the overall PBG or W3C Team as per
> charter the Steering Committee can select chairs.
> Lastly, there has been some discussion about PBG priorities for 2018. Your
> prospective co-chairs propose to make a major (but not exclusive) BG
> priority to work to increase the breadth and depth of adoption of EPUB 3,
> as a way to help the PBG have more business impact. While EPUB 3 is
> continuing to become more widely adopted and better supported, there are
> still many limitations and interoperability barriers, and vendors are now
> developing proprietary features that are not supported or easy to do in
> EPUB 3. We think there is significant business benefit to be gained if we
> can move the needle on EPUB 3 adoption and that for 2018, with PWP/EPUB 4
> still in the future, it is the right time to focus on this (maybe not quite
> “now or never”, but perhaps close). BISG, AAP, and others have also reached
> out to ask for W3C’s help in this, and doing so will help showcase that
> EPUB 3 is a living standard not something that is being pushed aside.
> So we would propose to develop and evaluate priorities for 2018 using the
> lens of how the work will deliver on the goal of increasing EPUB 3
> adoption. High payoff could come from successfully lobbying reading system
> vendors and authoring tool developers as well as helping the EPUB 3 CG to
> prioritize future work on EPUB 3 to ensure that it doesn’t lag capabilities
> vs. proprietary alternatives. Whereas, just as an example, some people feel
> that EPUB training/certification, while worthy, won’t really move the
> needle on adoption and thus by the proposed lens might fall below the line
> in terms of 2018 priorities.  I’m going to help the co-chairs work on
> fleshing out a straw-man for this vision and for other 2018 priorities, to
> be discussed by the overall PBG.
> Given folks’ holiday schedules, let’s use email to approve Liisa and Luc
> stepping up as co-chairs. Assuming that can be accomplished in the next few
> days I will work with them on a draft of a email late this week to the full
> BG list announcing the new co-chairs and the plan to revitalize the PBG and
> announcing a first PBG call for January to approve the plan for the SC and
> discuss 2018 priorities and the task forces that will fall out from same.
> We would expect to have task force leads set and thus also the
> reconstituted SC (aka chairs + task force leads)  by the second PBG call in
> the New Year. Meanwhile, until that is done, the current SC is still
> technically serving (thanks) but we won’t plan for any SC or Chairs Group
> calls until after that process is complete.
> We don’t think we will need 100% consensus on priorities in the sense that
> if there are some BG members  who feel that something, that is in scope for
> the BG (aka not in scope for EPUB 3 CG or the Pub WG) should be done, they
> can self-identify as a task force for same. But we do hope we can get to a
> rough consensus on what makes sense and is feasible to tackle -  and all of
> your help is solicited in that process.
> Another issue that’s already been discussed a bit is granularity of said
> task forces. If every task is a task force, and everyone in the PBG signs
> up to work on some task, then ipso facto the steering committee will be the
> whole PBG (plus EPUB 3 and PWG chairs). That wouldn’t make a lot of sense.
> So we probably will need to consider lumping task forces appropriately to
> ensure a level of coordination and just to avoid a lot of one- or
> two-person task forces that really amount to action items. And/or we might
> want to reassess whether all task force leads should be part of the
> coordination group, once the dust settles on what task forces will be
> pursued, or whether “hot” TF’s will coordinate with a smaller extended
> chairs group as needed.
> If anyone has issues with this plan please chime in ASAP. If you approve
> Liisa and Luc becoming co-chairs of the PBG (whether or not you have issues
> with or want to make suggestions re: other aspects of the above) please
> send email +1’ing same. Or if you disapprove please -1, or 0 if you would
> like to abstain.
> Thanks to everyone involved in working out this plan with special
> appreciation to Rick, Paul, and Cristina for their service and Liisa and
> Luc for being willing to take a turn as co-chairs and help step up to make
> the Publishing Business Group, and the mission of Publishing@W3C,
> successful.
(株) 講談社
吉井 順一

Jun’Ichi Yoshii
Kodansha、Publishers, Ltd.
     2-12-21 Otowa, Bunkyo-ku
     Tokyo 112-8001 Japan

SC Member of Publishing@W3C

Tel:    +813-5395-3401
Fax:   +813-5395-3714

Received on Tuesday, 19 December 2017 00:20:04 UTC