Re: [pwg] VOTE: Publish Notes for Annotations and LPF

even ok to make LPF a REC :-)

Bien cordialement, 
Laurent Le Meur

> Le 15 sept. 2020 à 22:01, Reid, Wendy <> a écrit :
> Hello everyone,
> As we head towards PR and the wrapping-up of the activities of this working group, I completely forgot something in this week’s agenda.
> Two of our drafts, Web Annotations Extensions for Web Publications [0] and Lightweight Packaging Format [1], are sitting in Editor’s Draft status. We should move these to Note status.  
> PROPOSED: Publish Web Annotations Extensions for WP and Lightweight Packaging Format (LPF) as Notes
> Please vote by replying to this email with a +1 (publish), 0 (neutral), or -1 (do not publish) by Tuesday, September 22st, 2020 at 5PM ET.
> [0] <>
> [1] <>
> Thanks,
> Wendy, Tzviya, and Garth

Received on Tuesday, 15 September 2020 21:27:21 UTC