Re: Added Use Case


I have created a pull request <>

from that patch; that makes it easier for others to comment on the changes and then, at some point, merge it with the main branch.


> On 16 May 2018, at 03:54, Ruffilo, Nick < <>> wrote:
> All,
> I hope I did it correctly, but I’ve added a new use case to the use case document:
> <>
> I was tasked to create use cases for the Educational sector and Trade.  (If anyone has thoughts on education, toss them my way please).
> I read through the document we had today 3 times, and once I let go of “how do we replicate print on the web” concept, I found that the use cases were quite comprehensive.
> The one thing was finding a way to bridge the fact that print & WP will co-exist for a long time – so there needs to be a way to quickly and accurately be able to identify and point to specific sections of content in all of those formats.  I did not mention page numbers, because – for example – in education, it would be easy enough for a teacher to say: “Turn to section 14.1.2 – page 182” which would allow students with print and digital content to quickly navigate to the same area (assuming the digital could get to 14.1.2).
> I found use cases about continuing to read content and being able to create bookmarks that are external to the content itself.
> If I’ve done anything with github incorrectly, please let me know how I can fix it and I will.  Any comments or feedback, please let me know.  Honestly I tried to come up with more for trade, but everything is either covered, or out of scope for a WP spec (such as access controls)
> -NIck

Ivan Herman, W3C
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Received on Wednesday, 16 May 2018 05:32:44 UTC