Added Use Case


I hope I did it correctly, but I’ve added a new use case to the use case document:

I was tasked to create use cases for the Educational sector and Trade.  (If anyone has thoughts on education, toss them my way please).

I read through the document we had today 3 times, and once I let go of “how do we replicate print on the web” concept, I found that the use cases were quite comprehensive.

The one thing was finding a way to bridge the fact that print & WP will co-exist for a long time – so there needs to be a way to quickly and accurately be able to identify and point to specific sections of content in all of those formats.  I did not mention page numbers, because – for example – in education, it would be easy enough for a teacher to say: “Turn to section 14.1.2 – page 182” which would allow students with print and digital content to quickly navigate to the same area (assuming the digital could get to 14.1.2).

I found use cases about continuing to read content and being able to create bookmarks that are external to the content itself.

If I’ve done anything with github incorrectly, please let me know how I can fix it and I will.  Any comments or feedback, please let me know.  Honestly I tried to come up with more for trade, but everything is either covered, or out of scope for a WP spec (such as access controls)


Received on Wednesday, 16 May 2018 01:55:08 UTC