- From: Xu, Zheng | KGB <zheng.xu@rakuten.com>
- Date: Fri, 22 Jun 2018 03:05:33 +0000
- To: Daniel Weck <daniel.weck@gmail.com>, MURATA Makoto <eb2m-mrt@asahi-net.or.jp>
- CC: "jpyle@atypon.com" <jpyle@atypon.com>, Katie Haritos-Shea GMAIL <ryladog@gmail.com>, W3C Publishing Working Group <public-publ-wg@w3.org>, Florian Rivoal <florian@rivoal.net>
- Message-ID: <TY2PR03MB3840977D4E489DC6AC8FBFDF9A750@TY2PR03MB3840.apcprd03.prod.outlook.com>
IMO it's important that new concept of content will not be broken for reading system that not ready to support it yet. Also, for extension of existed content how easier to let creator avoid duplication work (for example someone already created a normal comic book if he need to create the other one for vertical-scroll). Base on this, I would like to see vertical scroll supported by https://w3c.github.io/publ-cg/guides/region-nav-markup.html, the benefit is we just need one version of content. For reading system that not ready to support it still can let user read this book comfortable. How can user purchase two version of same comic just because one of them can support vertical-scroll and better for small screen but the other is definitely better for large screen? Thanks, Zheng ________________________________ From: Daniel Weck <daniel.weck@gmail.com> Sent: Wednesday, June 20, 2018 6:42:36 AM To: MURATA Makoto Cc: jpyle@atypon.com; Katie Haritos-Shea GMAIL; W3C Publishing Working Group; Florian Rivoal Subject: Re: Some options for vertically-scrollable manga (was re: Dropbox has epub viewer) For what it's worth, option #1 (reflow scroll-doc) rendered by Readium and EPUB.js: Readium: https://readium.firebaseapp.com/?epub=https%3A%2F%2Fdl.dropboxusercontent.com%2Fs%2Fcvnlyf9vzo7mbx9%2FtorinomeRev.epub EPUB.js: https://futurepress.github.io/epubjs-reader/?bookPath=https%3A%2F%2Fdl.dropboxusercontent.com%2Fs%2Fcvnlyf9vzo7mbx9%2FtorinomeRev.epub Also, for the curious amongst us, here is a pretty-print of the "Readium WebPub Manifest" generated from Makoto's EPUB (the resource links are browsable): https://readium2.now.sh/pub/aHR0cHM6Ly9kbC5kcm9wYm94dXNlcmNvbnRlbnQuY29tL3MvY3ZubHlmOXZ6bzdtYng5L3Rvcmlub21lUmV2LmVwdWI=/manifest.json/show/all Note that the above URLs link directly to the EPUB file in DropBox (i.e. non-exploded, whole zip file), so there may be some latency. Daniel On Wed, 20 Jun 2018 at 03:46, MURATA Makoto <eb2m-mrt@asahi-net.or.jp<mailto:eb2m-mrt@asahi-net.or.jp>> wrote: Folks, I am starting a new thread about vertically-scrollable manga. Vertically-scrollable manga started several years ago, but it is about to prevail. However, different players use different formats now. I made a few prototypes: 1) A single HTML version, rendition:layout=reflowable, rendition:flow=scrolled-doc https://www.dropbox.com/s/cvnlyf9vzo7mbx9/torinomeRev.epub?dl=0 2) Multiple HTML file, rendition:layout=pre-paginated, rendition:flow=scrolled-continuous https://www.dropbox.com/s/07khe3bu64cfxx2/torinomeSC.epub?dl=0 3) Multiple HTML file, rendition:layout=reflowable, scrolled-continuous https://www.dropbox.com/s/4qfyumqfh9fe03n/torinomeReflowSC.epub?dl=0 In my opinion, 1) is the best. It does not use any EPUB-specific features. If you unzip this EPUB and click the HTML document, you will get the same result. I am wondering if 2) is actually asking for a non-conformant behavior. Should the document be rather resized so that it fits in the screen? My memo for promoting 1) is available at https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_mab1YECyJegt5oZF8PmJl2RxZqcgPui4gnPksJ4yoA/edit#heading=h.krwuslpy0ros and https://docs.google.com/document/d/1lPDFOpxet3Plt82ginR5D4LEiJ2FPjr07pRDb_wyjH4/edit#heading=h.50udxypynuwj I did this experiment more than one year ago. I believe that a consensus in the industry is strongly needed right now. How do people feel? Perhaps, this is a nice topic for the upcoming workshop in Tokyo in September. Regards, Makoto
Received on Friday, 22 June 2018 03:06:05 UTC