Thanks Hadrien for the audiobook example
Just thought that we might need to consider the case that multiple mp4 read by different narrators.
Maybe in case there are multiple narrators we add id to readBy and map id to audio reading order?
"readBy": [{"id": "narrator_1", name: "Narrator A"}, {"id": "narrator_2", name: "Narrator B"}]
"readingOrder": {
{"url": "", "fileFormat": "audio/mpeg", "name": "Part 1, Sections 1 - 3", "readBy": "narrator_1"},
{"url": "", "fileFormat": "audio/mpeg", "name": "Part 1, Sections 1 - 3", "readBy": "narrator_2"},
{"url": "", "fileFormat": "audio/mpeg", "name": "Part 1, Sections 1 - 3", "readBy": ["narrator_1", "narrator_2"]}
The other thing is how about also support streaming format such as m3u ( in readingOrder? In that case reading system vendor does not need to implement streaming.
"readingOrder": {
{"url": "", "fileFormat": "audio/mpegurl"}
From: Hadrien Gardeur <>
Sent: Friday, June 15, 2018 9:21:55 AM
To: Avneesh Singh
Cc: AUDRAIN LUC; Reid, Wendy; W3C Publishing Working Group
Subject: Re: Audiobooks TF
Based on our latest discussions about the WP manifest, here's a first audiobook experiment: