> On 10 Jan 2018, at 13:01, Daniel Glazman <daniel.glazman@disruptive-innovations.com <mailto:daniel.glazman@disruptive-innovations.com>> wrote:
>> They don't conflict. All metadata defined in the manifest are metadata
>> about the collection, while all the elements that you've listed apply to
>> a specific resource.
> So what's the progression direction if the collection says ltr and if
> the specific resource says rtl and has more than one page? IMO, that
> example alone clearly requires an importance order to be specified, the
> directions are conflicting.
The Web App Manifest answers this issue by saying that `dir` and `lang` only applies to the "directionality-capable members" of the manifest, not to the content of the resources themselves.
As for other metadata like `name`, it says that the values contained in the HTML document linking to the manifest MAY be used as fallbacks, but that the manifest metadata is authoritative.
My 2 cents,