Re: Pursuing the wrong goal? (was Re: A followup/writeup on our Monday discussions (was Re: Continuing discussion on Polyfills))

Le 09/02/2018 à 13:41, Leonard Rosenthol a écrit :

> Daniel - I think you hit the nail on the head there, but perhaps not in the way that you meant.
> I believe that this group - for obvious reasons - is too focused about finding a replacement for EPUB and *not* focused on building the future of publications for the web.  And yes, I very strongly believe those are two completely different things.  As you have said so well in other threads - let's go ahead and fix EPUB and address the concerns of *that* industry...but do that completely separately from solving what is needed to enhance the web for publications (of all types).
> I believe that it can be accomplished - even with our current charter - but it will require everyone to *want* to work in this fashion....

Hi Leonard,

Thanks for your message, but I was not looking at "the future of
publications for the web" here, I understood this is about "a
replacement for EPUB" and I commented about that: I still don't
understand where the WG is going and why. I don't understand the
rationale behind the technological choices, I don't understand how
the market is going to cope with that yet-another-incompatible-format,
I don't understand the strategy, I don't understand the design
requirements and I don't understand how the industry (besides
Readium) is going to implement, release and ship what's discussed

"Pursuing the wrong goal?". I don't think so.

Speaking of "everyone to *want* to work in this fashion", I am not a
member of the Working Group. I'm like Warren Buffet, I invest only in
things I can understand. So go ahead but it's my right to not believe
in what's currently designed here.

Unrelated side note: I'm glad it's now acknowledged that "finding a
replacement for EPUB" and "building the future of publications for the
web" are two different things... Woah, to say the least.


Received on Friday, 9 February 2018 13:45:32 UTC