Re: OCF for Packaging (was Re: [AudioTF] Agenda 2018-12-14)

May I remind us all of the industry needs as it was explicitly expressed in all our recent meetings, particularly during the Lyon TPAC F2F?

Audiobook is a growing part of the publishing business today. 
And we know the status quo is far from adequate for the supply chain form publishers to listeners.

The "Web Publication for Audiobooks" module/profile/extension/... has been identified as an urgent need.
For which, today's existing and working packaging standards is not an issue for the industry.

It looks like Bill Karsdorff expressed what several think: ‘for this module, use this one…”


On 11/12/2018 22:18, "[NAME]" <[ADDRESS]> wrote:

    On Tue, 11 Dec 2018, Hadrien Gardeur wrote:
    > This is the wrong focus if the goal is to deliver a specification that will work for the industry in 2019
    > instead of 2022.
    I've been under a misapprehension if our goal is not producing anything that won't be production-ready in industry in 2019. I thought our goal was to deliver the correct spec, not to deliver something that can be delivered, signed off on, and used in the next twelve months.
    What will work in 2019 is the status quo -- as we know, the status quo is adequate.  The little Ivan who sits on my shoulder and talks me down is reminding me that we shouldn't write specs that are unattainable with current web technology.  But coming up with a set of specifications based around actual use cases -- like the very real library and academia use case of "put a single book in the CMS or library database, which is a single file, which the student can open in a browser without specialized software" -- isn't something we should just shout down as a pipe dream.

Received on Wednesday, 12 December 2018 08:27:14 UTC