Re: [personalization] Task Force - first call minutes

Hello Baldur,

I think that this is a separate discussion, but just to be clear: I don't
expect WP to be navigation-less at all. I expect them to at least behave
like normal websites, with basic links to next/previous resources and
eventually other options too (such as a table of contents).

For this reason, I don't think that there will ever be a parallel Web like
AMP but for WP.

Progressive enhancements and Web Apps dedicated to reading such WPs will be
in the same boat: they'll have to live with the fact that these WP have at
least some navigation, and attempts to enhance them somehow. They will also
be in charge of the type of customization that this task force is

>From a Readium-2 perspective, I expect the following behaviour for WP

   - defaults to a webview where we don't attempt to inject any style
   - basic navigation added on top of the webview (move between primary
   resources, get access to ToC and similar navigation)
   - reader mode, ideally the one provided by the platform, in order to let
   the user customize experience

For these last two points, we'll have to figure out a way where Web Apps or
progressive enhancements won't get in the way, which is far easier said
than done.


Received on Friday, 28 July 2017 15:50:18 UTC