Re: Can a publication change over time?

Indeed, that may be desirable.

But, our mission is to bring publishing to the Web.  It's pretty
fundamental to (traditional) publishing to write or cobble together a set
of "resources" and have said publication not change (or at least know if it
changes) over time.  We may end up not being able to find a viable complete
equivalent on the Web, but lets not run away too soon, as there are clearly
technologies that could possibly be applied.


On Thu, Jul 27, 2017 at 9:17 AM, Hadrien Gardeur <> wrote:

> > If you start messing around with immutability, update mechanisms, and
> resource versioning, you get pretty deep into dark corners of the HTTP
> ecosystem pretty quickly.
> +1, which is why I'd like to avoid such requirements

Received on Thursday, 27 July 2017 17:00:22 UTC