Re: Offer users choice over the advertising network they use as a path forward.


you should be aware that Community Groups have no "status"; anyone can propose one, and once enough people want to join, they start.  There are only 8 members of it, and I am not sure how many are active.


(I am not commenting on the comment, just wanting to make sure we understand that these are not W3C positions.)

On Feb 10, 2013, at 21:44 , Mike Zaneis <> wrote:

> This might be the most offensive document I have ever seen sponsored by an official standard setting body. I hope that the W3C has a better understanding of how the Internet is architected, anti-trust and copyright laws, and concepts of Internet freedom.  Let's not begin our face to face meeting by considering such nonsense. 
> Mike Zaneis
> SVP & General Counsel, IAB
> (202) 253-1466
> On Feb 10, 2013, at 9:00 PM, "Fred Andrews" <> wrote:
>> The PUA CG has a draft proposal for advancing user privacy and unlocking the frustrated DNT 'negotiating'.  It is proposed that user choice over the advertising network should be improved.  With this small change in the dynamics, it would no longer be necessary to bend to stake holders that threaten to walk out because the market would open up to other networks that cater for users concern about their privacy.  See:
>> I believe there are many other benefits that governments and their voters would be interested in so please give this some consideration and pass the word around in discussions.
>> cheers
>> Fred

David Singer
Multimedia and Software Standards, Apple Inc.

Received on Monday, 11 February 2013 16:05:34 UTC