PROV-ISSUE-518: Data Model Section 5.2.4 [prov-dm]

PROV-ISSUE-518: Data Model Section 5.2.4   [prov-dm]

Raised by: Luc Moreau
On product: prov-dm


The definition of a "primary source" implies that it is an entity when in fact the term qualifies the role that a given entity plays during the creation of a new entity, not the derivation itself. This might seem to be a minor point, but it is clearly different from both revision and quotation, both of which could be used when deriving a new entity from an entity used as a primary source.

It is also important to note that a given entity might be a primary source for one entity but not another ("primary source" is context-dependent).

Received on Monday, 10 September 2012 08:46:25 UTC