PROV-ISSUE-383 (how-to-handle-subtypes): How to handle subtypes in PROV-DM [prov-dm]

PROV-ISSUE-383 (how-to-handle-subtypes): How to handle subtypes in PROV-DM [prov-dm]

Raised by: Luc Moreau
On product: prov-dm

PROV-DM defines a variety of subtypes and handles them differently.

Some have an explicit prov-n construct (I think for those, it's a legacy
of the past, when signatures were not uniform).

Some are explicitly represented in UML diagrams, some are not.
Some are listed in table 4.

                          PROV-N      in UML  in Table 4
                         notation       diag

wasRevisionOf              yes          yes      yes
hadOriginalSource          yes          yes      yes

wasQuotedFrom              yes          yes      yes

prov:Plan                  no           yes       no

prov:SoftwareAgent         no           no        no

prov:Organization          no           no        no

prov:Person                no           no        no

prov:Bundle                no           yes       yes

prov:Collection            no           yes       yes

prov:Dictionary            no           yes       yes

prov:EmptyDictionary       no           no        no

Suggestions on how to handle them systematically are welcome!


Received on Wednesday, 23 May 2012 12:49:30 UTC