Re: PROV-ISSUE-371 (junzhao): timestamped provo.owl [PROV-O HTML]

I thought the OWL2 spec stated that the object of owl:versionInfo was supposed to be a literal.


"the object of owl:versionInfo is a literal and the tag can be used to annotate classes and properties in addition to ontologies."

and that is why owl:versionIRI was created in OWL2 to specifically refer to IRI (and also to be functional) where the specific version of the ontology can be found.

If this IRI references that specific version of the OWL file, I would suggest using owl:versionIRI since that seems to exactly match our intention.


On May 8, 2012, at 3:39 PM, Timothy Lebo wrote:

> Currently:
> <owl:versionInfo rdf:resource=""/>
> points to the HTML, which has a link to the OWL file.
> Is that adequate?

Received on Tuesday, 8 May 2012 22:01:02 UTC