PROV-ISSUE-457: qualifiedInfluence domain does not match domain of wasInfluencedBy [Ontology]

PROV-ISSUE-457: qualifiedInfluence domain does not match domain of wasInfluencedBy [Ontology]

Raised by: Stephan Zednik
On product: Ontology

The current domain of prov:qualifiedInfluence is prov:Entity.

This does not match the domain of prov:wasInfluencedBy, which is prov:Activity or prov:Agent or prov:Entity.

The property prov:qualifiedAssociation, which is a sub-property of prov:qualifiedInfluence, has a domain of prov:Activity.

The current domains will cause the subject of a prov:qualifiedAssociation statement to be inferred to be both an prov:Activity and prov:Entity.

I believe this is not our intent.

I would recommend prov:qualifiedInfluence be changed to have the same domain as prov:wasInfluencedBy

 or prov:Agent
 or prov:Entity


Received on Thursday, 19 July 2012 20:09:42 UTC