Re: [owl changed] ISSUE-83: Express inverse relationships in Provenance Model as well as ontology

I am closing this issue because it has been pending review for months, no discussion has been raised, and we passed LC release.


On May 2, 2012, at 6:00 AM, Stian Soiland-Reyes wrote:

> On Mon, Apr 30, 2012 at 8:22 PM, Timothy Lebo <> wrote:
>> Stian has added prov:inverse annotations to the ontology, and
>> the appendix and table are available at:
> It would be good to see the domain and range of the inverse here - is
> that possible? (ie. the range and domain of the PROV-O property)
> Can the list be sorted by original name? The current order seems random.
> We also agreed that the inverses will appear in a separate OWL file.
>> * prov-o team (and prov-wg) to review the inverse names
>> at
> Here are some notes I had myself while making up those names:
> For the inverse of qualified* I've followed a similar noun pattern as
> for prov:activity etc:
> prov:qualifiedDerivation	prov:derivedEntity
> For many of them a suitable noun was there, but for others it got a
> bit odd, like on Quotation properties:
> * prov:hadQuoter	prov:wasQuotingIn
> * prov:hadQuoted	prov:wasQuotedIn
> Both original and inverse look VERY similar, and confused me several
> times.  Not sure about 'In' - as the inverses here point back to the
> Quotation - not the entity.
> * prov:wasAssociatedWith	prov:wasAssociateFor
> Is the agent an associate? This is really a DM issue, I am not sure
> about the direction here of the original - to me
> prov:wasAssociatedWith sounds like an active, conscious thing -
> something an agent does rather than something an activity does.
> * prov:activityStartedActivity
> horrible name - but prov:startedActivity is taken! At least matches style of:
> * prov:wasStartedByActivity	prov:activityStarted
> -- 
> Stian Soiland-Reyes, myGrid team
> School of Computer Science
> The University of Manchester

Received on Tuesday, 17 July 2012 18:04:56 UTC